
How to find ecommerce leads (Explained 9 Proven strategies with extra 6 steps)

Whether you are looking to sell a product or offer services to e-commerce businesses, finding and connecting with these leads is essential for success.

But how to find ecommerce leads, who can buy your product or services?

Actually, In the vast world of eCommerce, finding the right leads is like discovering hidden treasure.

We’re exactly here to make the journey easier for you by exploring some popular strategies to help you overcome it. 

Our strategies include the below process:

  1. Outreach through methods like prospect generation, cold emailing, and calling, 
  2. Utilizing paid ads, 
  3. Optimizing for search engines (SEO), 
  4. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising
  5. Content marketing
  6. Email marketing
  7. Conversion rate optimization (CRO)
  8. Personalizations 
  9. Leveraging social media platforms to connect with potential customers.

Our above 9 strategies and tips will help you get visitors and convert them into leads or will help you gather a few lead-generation ideas. So, scroll down the journey!

What are e-commerce leads?

In e-commerce business, leads are the potential customers or businesses that have shown interest in your products or services within online commerce. 

Those potential customers are E-commerce owners, CEOs, CFOs, or managers of a company who could transform your online business. 

These leads can come from various sources, such as website visits, social media engagement, or interactions with marketing campaigns. 

Here the goal is to convert these leads into actual customers who make purchases on your e-commerce platform.

What industry is ecommerce?

E-commerce, short for electronic commerce, is not limited to a specific industry. Rather it refers to the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet. 

It is a digital marketplace where businesses and consumers engage in online transactions such as Amazon, Best Buy, Walmart, Shopee, etc.

Therefore, e-commerce is more of a business model or method of conducting trade than a specific industry.

That being said, e-commerce activities can span across various industries, including but not limited to:

  • Retail: Selling products directly to consumers online.
  • Technology: Selling software, hardware, and digital products.
  • Fashion: Online retail of clothing, accessories, and footwear.
  • Electronics: Selling electronic devices and gadgets.
  • Healthcare: Online pharmacies and the sale of health-related products.
  • Food and Groceries: Online food delivery services and grocery shopping.
  • Travel: Booking flights, hotels, and other travel services online.
  • Services: Offering various services online, such as freelancing, consulting, or digital marketing.

Who Are Your Ideal Leads Database?

Since every business is unique, to determine your ideal leads, you should consider various factors. These will align with your business objectives and the characteristics of your target audience.

Your ideal leads may keep the following traits:

Household Income:

Identify the income range suitable for your product pricing.


Determine the age group interested in your products.


Align the education level with your product niche.


Tailor marketing messages to a specific gender or keep them unisex.


Pinpoint regions where your target audience is concentrated.

Hobbies or Interests:

Customize content to match the interests of your audience.

Pain Points:

Address and solve the challenges your customers face.


Consider how your products fit into your audience's daily lives.

Online Behavior:

Reach leads on their preferred online platforms.

Values and Beliefs:

Align your brand messaging with the values important to your audience.

How to find ecommerce leads: 9 proven strategies

Finding e-commerce leads can feel like a big challenge because the online world is always changing. Even understanding what customers want can also be tricky.

We’ve got it, and are trying to explore 9 simple strategies to make this process easier. Among these strategies, some are well-known and used by many digital marketers, and some are new. 

Yet, all can be effective for one as their needs, so they can try these strategies to become successful.

1. Outreach Prospect generation to Get E-commerce leads

Outreach strategies are the key to engaging with real leads directly. This can include cold emailing, cold calling, prospect generation, pay per lead generation, or getting SMMA clients.

What is Prospect generation?

Effective prospect generation is essential for successful eCommerce outreach campaigns. Poor prospects can harm your efforts and incur significant costs. 

For example, you will find ecommerce store owners. In that case, you will need to deep into the classification of whether the store owners are from the B2C or B2B industry. Before classifying your ideal customers and industry you can't create your Avatar.

To ensure optimal results, consider these methods:

Marketing Software: 

Use specialized tools like customer relationship management (CRM) systems to create eCommerce prospect lists. However, this method may be limited in data diversity.

Data Scraper: 

Building a custom scraper is an option. Yet it can be expensive and time-consuming. Here you will need to choose the best database

Get Affordable & Reliable Database: 

Opt for a reliable database for swift and affordable prospect generation. These databases offer top-notch accuracy and cater to businesses of all sizes. It also saves time and resources.

At LFBBD-Lead For Business, our B2B ecom lead list not only streamline the process but also provide accurate and valuable eCommerce prospects. We ensure these accurate leads with our Data Enrichement & Data Enhancement Process

Choose wisely, as the third method appears as the most cost-effective and rapid approach. 

Cold emailing and calling

Cold emailing and cold calling are popular outreach methods for reaching prospects. 

Cold emailing is favored for its quick reach, affordability, and high conversion rates. It's less annoying and provides easy performance tracking. 

However, email deliverability issues and a learning curve may pose challenges

On the other hand, Cold calling, known for its personalized approach, builds relationships faster and is easier to start. 

Yet, it can be expensive at scale, and tracking its performance precisely is challenging. 

In essence, cold emailing is efficient, affordable, and trackable, while cold calling adds a personal touch but comes with higher costs and tracking difficulties. 

The choice depends on your business preferences.

Tip: Connect personally in messages, and use CRM tools for organized follow-ups.


 2. Paid ads for eCommerce lead generation

Leveraging paid ads on platforms like Google Ads or social media can be a game-changer for you. 

In eCommerce, paid ads help get leads fast, but the cost worries small businesses. 

As of 2022, LinkedIn ads can cost $1 to $100 per lead, and Facebook averages $19. Small to medium-sized businesses often find it hard to stick with ads for long due to these costs. 

So, they prefer cold emailing to keep costs down and still get good leads.

Anyway, LinkedIn is good for B2B leads, while Facebook has a wide audience. 

But, ad costs change a lot and can be a challenge for smaller businesses. Some go for cold emailing, which is cheaper if done right.

To make it work, a smart strategy is to mix paid ads with other things like social media and content marketing. This helps get leads without spending too much money.

Tips: Test different ads to see what works best for more clicks and conversions.

3. Search engine optimization (SEO) and lead magnets


SEO boost your online store's visibility in search results. Use keywords, create good content, and improve your website for better rankings. 

More organic traffic means more leads and increased sales opportunities.

While SEO is competitive, it's a valuable and cost-effective traffic channel for long-term success.

If starting a blog, be patient, as significant traffic may take time to build. For existing sites with good organic traffic, leverage it for lead generation.

Even, enhance lead generation by pairing SEO with compelling lead magnets. Lead magnets are freebies like discounts or eBooks. 

Offer them on your site to get visitors' contact info. This turns website visitors into potential customers for your e-commerce business.

Extra Tip: Regularly update your website content to stay relevant in search engine rankings.

 4. Use Social Media Groups to Find eCommerce Leads

Social media groups can be gold mines for eCommerce leads. Join relevant groups where your target audience participates.  

Then actively engage by providing valuable insights, answering queries, and sharing your expertise. 

Even, establish your brand as a helpful authority within these groups.

Further, create and share content that addresses common pain points. You should include a call-to-action (CTA) that encourages group members to visit your eCommerce platform. 

You should also build credibility and trust among potential leads through social proof gained in groups.

Extra Tips: Join groups, be real, and gain trust before listing your products.

  5. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising

PPC means paying for each click on your online ads. It's a cost-effective method when managed well. 

Keyword research, compelling ad copy, and continuous monitoring are essential for successful PPC campaigns. 

Anyway, geo-targeting and demographic filters can help focus on your specific audience.

PPC is also well for highly competitive keywords.

Extra Tip: Advertise when your audience is online the most for better results.

  6. Content marketing


Content marketing plays a vital role in attracting and nurturing eCommerce leads. Create informative blog posts, videos, and infographics that identify the pain points of your target audience.

Then share this content across various platforms, including your website, social media, and email newsletters.

You should use user-generated content, such as reviews and testimonials, to build trust and credibility.

Extra Tips:: Make content shareable to boost visibility on social media.

  7. Email marketing


When you want to convert potential customers into buyers, email marketing will be another potent strategy.

The process begins with lead generation, where visitors exchange their email addresses for discounts or exclusive content.

The email list is then segmented for personalized content delivery. Nurturing leads involves welcome emails, drip campaigns, and dynamic content.

Anyways, use email automation to send targeted campaigns, follow-ups, and nurture leads over time.

Extra tips: Make emails interactive and learn more about your leads.


8. Conversion rate optimization (CRO)


Another systematic process of increasing the percentage of website visitors and converting them into leads or customers is Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO).

When it comes to finding leads specifically, CRO plays a significant role in maximizing the number of visitors who take desired actions, such as filling out a contact form or signing up for a newsletter.

To do that, optimize website elements through A/B testing. Analyze user behavior with tools like heatmaps and session recordings. Identify and address potential pain points in the conversion process. 

Extra tips: Optimize your site while loading a page that comes with many images. See the example site Codersvilla - A multifamily web design agency


9. Personalization


Personalization is key to capturing and retaining eCommerce leads. Analyze user behavior on your website to understand preferences and habits.

Implement artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms to analyze user behavior and provide tailored experiences.

Then, personalize not only product recommendations but also the overall website experience based on user preferences.

Collect and analyze customer feedback to continuously refine and improve personalization efforts.

Extra tip: Use data analytics to understand customer behavior and deliver hyper-personalized experiences.


Additional 6 steps to find e-commerce leads for e-commerce website


OK, now the surprise is, try some additional steps. We hope these are also helpful in making your lead-generation journey more easy.

Step 1: Implement Referral Programs


"Turn happy customers into your biggest fans! Offer incentives such as discounts, store credits, or exclusive access for successful referrals. Make it easy for customers to refer friends and family through a user-friendly referral process. 

Set this referral program and give them bonuses for bringing in new folks.

It's a win-win! They get cool stuff, and you get new customers!


Step 2: Run Exciting Contests and Giveaways:

"Who doesn't love free stuff? Run contests or giveaways online! Offer cool prizes and ask for emails or shares in return. 

This not only generates leads but also increases brand visibility as participants share the contest with their networks.


Step 3: Enhance Support with Live Chat

"Be there for your customers, live and direct! 

Use live chat on your website to answer questions and guide them. Great support makes happy customers who keep coming back and telling their friends!"


Step 4: Optimize Landing Pages Effectively:

"Ever landed on a webpage that just feels right? That's what optimized landing pages do! 

Create pages that focus on specific products or deals. Make them easy to navigate, and watch visitors turn into customers seamlessly."


Step 5: Capture Leads with Exit-Intent Popups:

"Catch them before they go! Use popups when visitors are about to leave your site. 

Offer a special discount or exclusive content in exchange for their email. It's like giving them a reason to stick around!"


Step 6: Place Strategic Opt-In Forms:

"Want to keep the conversation going? Place simple opt-in forms on your site. Ask for just the basics, like email addresses. 

It's easy to build your email list and keep your audience in the loop."

Final thought

Now that, we hope our above strategies and tips have guided you on how to get e-commerce leads effectively. Are you now getting ready to get started?

If yes, choose which process is best for you.

  • Outreach strategies are ideal for B2B relationships, while paid ads provide quick results. 
  • SEO fosters organic growth, social media groups target niche audiences, and PPC advertising suits specific product promotions. 
  • On the other hand, content marketing builds brand authority, email marketing nurtures relationships, and conversion rate optimization improves overall conversions.

So, choose the process that you need, find the e-commerce lead effectively, and convert them into your actual clients or customers.

Mr. MD Riad Mia
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