Unlimited local businesses
Business Owner contact details
200M+ contacts
95%+ accuracy
The most current Local Business Database with 95% accuracy.
Get detailed information such as business names, locations, employee counts, business types, ratings, and reviews to support your research, marketing, and lead-generation efforts.
Perfect for identifying and connecting with the right businesses to drive growth.
Trusted by companies of all sizes worldwide.

- Data attributes
Identify your ideal prospects with confidence
Company Name
Employees size
Categories and more.
Quality of information
Our data sourcing process
At LFBBD, we gather, check, and update our data ourselves. Unlike others who use recycled contact lists, we provide fresh, accurate contact details for decision-makers and prospects that you won’t find anywhere else.
We search the web extensively to gather emails and phone numbers.
Powerful Servers
Our servers process billions of webpages every day.
AI matching
We use AI to link contact information to the right individuals.
99% accuracy
Emails and phone numbers are verified three times to ensure 99% accuracy.

Why they prefer LFB BD

95% Accuracy for Better Targeting

Max Kuzkin
Head of Sales
It was a wonderful experience. Riad and his team were incredibly responsive and attentive to my needs. The contact list was high-quality and reasonably priced. Their professionalism and quick delivery made the entire process smooth and efficient.

Mason Bledsoe
Head of Sales
The Best Amazon Store Owner List Builders. It’s extremely difficult to find affordable and high-quality amazon store owner contact lists. These guys are the best out there (after trying several other companies).

Steve Cicalese
Head of Sales
Great experience! Great experience working with Riad and his team They respond quickly and have been a great partner to get us to the next level. Leads are very quality and very specific.

Head of Sales
Great service! Riad was very responsive and helpful. We have now worked with him twice and have had a great experience. Riad was very open to our requests and we got exactly what we needed. Definitely recommend!
100+ company have worked with us