Amazon Seller Data Pricing

Choose your desired package

Get 500 Credits
Get access for $165
Only $0.33 per lead
Get 1,000 Credits
Get access for $300
Only $0.30 per lead
Get 5,000 Credits
Get access for $1,300
Only $0.26 per lead
Get Your Custom Package
Please Contact With Us
1 Lead = 1 Credit
Decision Makers Contacts
Verified Email
100% Fresh Data (Update Weekly)
Human Researched and Verified
12+ Data Points
Delivery Within 24/48 Hours
Customer Support
Over 95% Accuracy Guaranteed
Multiple Filters Available (Including Revenue, Location, Job Titles, Product Category)
Build Trusted, Long-Term Relationships with Qualified Prospects
Data Replacement Guarantee
Custom Credit Amount
Contact Direct Dial/Mobile Number
Running Paid Ad or Not
Seller Reviews Count
Seller Rating %
Cross Check DNP List (Do not Prospect)
Selling Own Brand or Not
1P or 3P Seller
Any Specific Lead Criteria

* Do you need more leads? Contact us at riad@lfbbd.comm to get to know our larger data plans (insights and contact data on up to 500,000 active sellers)

*Check out all our filter definitions and data points source

* While our team prioritizes leads from sellers that match all the criteria you selected, we can't guarantee that point. If there are not enough sellers meeting your requirements, our team will open some filters or if needed, contact you with options to fill out the rest of the leads.

B2B Contact Data Pricing

Choose your desired package

Get 1,000 Credits
Get access for $100
Only $0.10 per lead
Get 5,000 Credits
Get access for $400
Only $0.08 per lead
Get 10,000 Credits
Get access for $700
Only $0.07 per lead
Get Your Custom Package
Please Contact With Us
1 Lead = 1 Credit
Targeted Job Titles
Verified Email
Multiple Filters Available (Including Revenue, Location, Job Titles, Product Category)
12+ Data Points
24/48 Hours Delivery
Customer Support
Over 95% Accuracy Guaranteed
Run Cold Email or Phone Campaigns Using our Targeted Leads
Build Trusted, Long-Term Relationships with Qualified Prospects
Data Replacement Guarantee
Custom Credit Amount
Contact Direct Dial/Mobile Number
Running Paid Ad or Not
Data Enrichment
Technology Use
Industry Type
Any Specific Lead Criteria

* Do you need more leads? Contact us at riad@lfbbd.comm to get to know our larger data plans (insights and contact data on up to 500,000 active sellers)

*Check out all our filter definitions and data points source

* While our team prioritizes leads from sellers that match all the criteria you selected, we can't guarantee that point. If there are not enough sellers meeting your requirements, our team will open some filters or if needed, contact you with options to fill out the rest of the leads.

e-Commerce Data Pricing

Choose your desired package

Get 1,000 Credits
Get access for $150
Only $0.15 per lead
Get 5,000 Credits
Get access for $600
Only $0.12 per lead
Get 10,000 Credits
Get access for $1,000
Only $0.10 per lead
Get Your Custom Package
Please Contact With Us
1 Lead = 1 Credit
Decision Makers Contacts
Verified Email
Multiple Filters Available (Including Revenue, Location, Job Titles, Product Category)
12+ Data Points
24/48 Hours Delivery
Customer Support
Over 95% Accuracy Guaranteed
Run Cold Email or Phone Campaigns Using our Targeted Leads
Build Trusted, Long-Term Relationships with Qualified Prospects
Data Replacement Guarantee
Custom Credit Amount
Contact Direct Dial/Mobile Number
Running Paid Ad or Not
Monthly Website Traffic
e-Commerce Platform
Technology Use
Any Specific Lead Criteria

* Do you need more leads? Contact us at riad@lfbbd.comm to get to know our larger data plans (insights and contact data on up to 500,000 active sellers)

*Check out all our filter definitions and data points source

* While our team prioritizes leads from sellers that match all the criteria you selected, we can't guarantee that point. If there are not enough sellers meeting your requirements, our team will open some filters or if needed, contact you with options to fill out the rest of the leads.

SaaS Business List Pricing

Choose your desired package

Get 2,000 Credits
Get access for $300
Only $0.15 per lead
Get 5,000 Credits
Get access for $600
Only $0.12 per lead
Get 10,000 Credits
Get access for $1,000
Only $0.10 per lead
Get Your Custom Package
Please Contact With Us
1 Lead = 1 Credit
Decision Makers Contacts
Verified Email
Multiple Filters Available (Including Revenue, Location, Job Titles, Product Category)
12+ Data Points
24/48 Hours Delivery
Customer Support
Over 95% Accuracy Guaranteed
Run Cold Email or Phone Campaigns Using our Targeted Leads
Build Trusted, Long-Term Relationships with Qualified Prospects
Data Replacement Guarantee
Custom Credit Amount
Contact Direct Dial/Mobile Number
Running Paid Ad or Not
Technology Use
Any Specific Lead Criteria

* Do you need more leads? Contact us at riad@lfbbd.comm to get to know our larger data plans (insights and contact data on up to 500,000 active sellers)

*Check out all our filter definitions and data points source

* While our team prioritizes leads from sellers that match all the criteria you selected, we can't guarantee that point. If there are not enough sellers meeting your requirements, our team will open some filters or if needed, contact you with options to fill out the rest of the leads.

SaaS Business List Pricing

Choose your desired package

Get 50000+ Records
Get access for $1500
Only $0.03 per lead
50000+ Records
15+ Data Points
Funding Rounds
Product Category and Subcategories
100% Fresh Data (Update Weekly)
Human Researched and Verified
Multiple Filters Available
Customer Support
Over 95% Accuracy Guaranteed

* Do you need more leads? Contact us at riad@lfbbd.comm to get to know our larger data plans (insights and contact data on up to 500,000 active sellers)

*Check out all our filter definitions and data points source

* While our team prioritizes leads from sellers that match all the criteria you selected, we can't guarantee that point. If there are not enough sellers meeting your requirements, our team will open some filters or if needed, contact you with options to fill out the rest of the leads.

Startups Data Pricing

Choose your desired package

Get 2,000 Credits
Get access for $300
Only $0.15 per lead
Get 5,000 Credits
Get access for $600
Only $0.12 per lead
Get 10,000 Credits
Get access for $1,000
Only $0.10 per lead
Get Your Custom Package
Please Contact With Us
1 Lead = 1 Credit
Decision Makers Contacts
Verified Email
Multiple Filters Available (Including Revenue, Location, Job Titles, Product Category)
12+ Data Points
24/48 Hours Delivery
Customer Support
Over 95% Accuracy Guaranteed
Run Cold Email or Phone Campaigns Using our Targeted Leads
Build Trusted, Long-Term Relationships with Qualified Prospects
Data Replacement Guarantee
Custom Credit Amount
Contact Direct Dial/Mobile Number
Running Paid Ad or Not
Technology Use
Any Specific Lead Criteria
Funding Rounds

* Do you need more leads? Contact us at riad@lfbbd.comm to get to know our larger data plans (insights and contact data on up to 500,000 active sellers)

*Check out all our filter definitions and data points source

* While our team prioritizes leads from sellers that match all the criteria you selected, we can't guarantee that point. If there are not enough sellers meeting your requirements, our team will open some filters or if needed, contact you with options to fill out the rest of the leads.

Boost Your Sales, attracting more clients with Our Industry based 100% high-quality leads database platform for Effective Data Solutions
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